In the waves of change, we find our direction...
Phenomenal investment & development opportunity: 4.68 acres on Fort Myers Beach, on the beautiful Paradise Coast of Florida. Previously the quaint Gulf View Colony, it is the 4th largest land parcel on Ft Myers beach. The property is located in the island’s most popular northern section, a favored investment and development area of the beach, and a convenient walk to the downtown area with the new, completed Margaritaville Resort. With deeded beach access of approx. 10 ft x 225 ft included, and located directly on Estero Blvd, this gem is at the epicenter of a multitude of planned & existing resort, multifamily & mixed use developments. The property will play a key and central role in the rebuilding of the iconic Ft Myers Beach, and offers flexibility for developers: current regulations allow by right for 15 units per acre (69 units), increasing to 2.5 times that density for a hotel development (172 rooms), making it the ideal location for a coastal development and in addition, the possibility to include mixed use/retail.
**Comparable sales Sept 2023 Red Coconut adjacent $52M, 6200 & 6241 Estero Blvd July 2023 $38.2 M. Français parle, Deutsch gesprochen.
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******Comparable Sale, July 2023: $38.2 M************
Previously The Outrigger Beach Resort and Charley's Boathouse Grill, this is the largest land deal on Ft Myers Beach since Hurricane Ian. According to reports, about 3.6 acres of the beachside land will be redeveloped at 6200 Estero Blvd., as well as the other acre across the street at 6241 Estero Blvd, that had been the restaurant. The developer "isn’t sure yet exactly what his company would build, but he envisions rebuilding a restaurant and perhaps a hotel/condominium combination project"
Source: Gulfshore Business
Français :
Dans les vagues du changement, nous trouvons notre direction...
Opportunité d’investissement phénoménale : 4,68 acres / 1.9 hectares sur la plage de Fort Myers, sur la belle cote ouest de la Floride. Auparavant la pittoresque colonie de vacances de Gulf View, cette propriété est située dans la partie la plus recherchee de l’île, dans une zone d’investissement et de développement favorisée de la plage, pas loin du centre-ville et du nouveau Margaritaville Resort Development qui est en construction. Avec un accès piétonnier à la plage d’environ 10 pi x 225 pi inclu, et situé directement sur le boulevard Estero, ce joyau se trouve a l’épicentre de développements multifamiliaux et hoteliers adjacents. La propriété jouera un rôle clé et central dans la reconstruction de l’emblématique plage de Ft Myers.
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